Our Team

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Lisa Rubin, PhD [she/her]

Associate Professor of Psychology

Lisa R. Rubin is a Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at the New School for Social Research. She is the former Co-Chair of the New School’s graduate certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies. Her research focuses on the intersection of objectification and medicalization in healthcare, including an emphasis on “stratified biomedicalization”, or the uneven distribution of technoscientific interventions (leaving some to manage excessive biomedical intervention, and others lacking basic care), and a concern for under-researched groups, focusing on intersections of privilege and oppression across race, gender, disability, and sexuality in medicine. Lisa has explored these questions in the context of breast cancer and access to and decision-making about breast reconstruction post-mastectomy (e.g., Rubin & Tanenbaum, 2011; Rubin, Chavez, Alderman, & Pusic, 2013), body image across contexts (Rubin, Fitts, & Becker, 2003; Rubin & Steinberg, 2011),  and reproductive justice in the context of infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (e.g., Rubin & Phillips, 2012). 

PhD Students

Tonya Pavlenko,

MA [she/her]

Lab Co-Manager

Claire McGinley, MA [she/her]

Lab Co-Manager


Ellen Yom, MS, LCSW [she/her]

Georgia Tania Karalioliou, MA [she/her]


Samantha Klein, MA [she/her]

Courteney Palis, MFA, MA [she/her]

Jessica Bush, MA [she/her]

Lily Nathan, MA [she/her]

MA Students & Affiliates

Rebekah Nathan, MA [she/her]

Sanjana Basker, MA [she/her]

PhD Student in Counseling Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University

Recent Doctoral Alumni


Margaux Genoff, PhD




Shames-Dawson, PhD[she/her]


Madeline McKeon, PhD[she/her]

Katrina Hacker, PhD


Deniz Kocas, PhD [she/her]